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Barry Bulakites Discusses Key Characteristics of a Successful Business Leader

Barry Bulakites Discusses Key Characteristics of a Successful Business Leader

DENVER, CO / 2022 / When it comes to business, a leader can make or break a company. Barry Bulakites, president and CEO of Table Bay Financial Network, recently discussed the characteristics of a successful business leader.

“A successful business leader doesn’t order people around,” Bulakites said. “He communicates clearly, motivates others, and always tries to maintain self-awareness. The following are some of the characteristics that result in successful leadership, and ultimately, successful businesses.”


Bulakites named self-awareness as the most critical characteristic of an outstanding leader. It’s an inwardly-focused trait that relies on understanding oneself and recognizing faults. Barry Bulakites explained that the more a leader understands their strengths and weaknesses, the more effective they can be when leading a team.

“A leader needs to understand how their team views them,” Bulakites said. “They must also understand their weaknesses and know when to ask others for help.”


Communication is another skill required for successful leadership. Bulakites explained that the best leaders communicate clearly in person, over the phone, and electronically. They must also communicate well with people across different roles in the company, with varying social identities, and from all parts of the country or world.

“An excellent business leader also knows how to delegate respectfully and show gratitude for employees’ hard work,” Bulakites said. “There are many different angles of communication, and that’s why effective communication is so important.”


Most people understand the importance of integrity, but it’s not always as easy to exercise as it seems. Bulakites explained that integrity is a “blind spot” for many business leaders, as it can quickly be overshadowed by profit or fame.

“It’s essential that a leader has strong moral principles and holds strong in the face of outside influences, such as profit and other pressures,” Bulakites said. “A business run with morality at the forefront will see more success than one that sacrifices integrity for financial gain.”

Critical Thinking

Critical thinking is a key to success in many areas of life, especially business leadership. Barry Bulakites explained that critical thinking leads to superior problem-solving skills, and business leaders face countless daily setbacks. An excellent leader excels in arduous and unfamiliar circumstances.

Some individuals naturally possess strong leadership skills, while others may need to acquire such skills through practice, hard work, and additional education. Experience, effort, and training can help you develop critical thinking and learning agility.


Barry Bulakites explained that some leadership skills, like excellent communication and integrity, come naturally to him. However, he spent a lot of time and effort perfecting other areas of his leadership abilities. Bulakites encourages anyone who wants to become an outstanding leader to continue working hard toward their goal and accept mentorship when possible.

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