There Are Several Franchises You Can Take Advantage Of In Mexico

There Are Several Franchises You Can Take Advantage Of In Mexico

For those living in Mexican lands, interested in business and looking to follow a successful business model, franchising in Mexico is perfect. I will elaborate on these details further in this article.

The Mexican Franchise System: What Is It?

Franquicias mexicanas are lucrative business models allowing third parties to use the brand or products of a company or franchisor outside the original project. Additionally, the franchise or franchisee owns its patents and production systems, as well as the right to market the products.

The franchisor gets the royalties it will receive for the commercialization of its brand through a commercial agreement in which the installments will be paid and royalties are determined. Franchise investments offer the great advantage of allowing you to jump into the business world with a proven model already tested on the market and well positioned to serve the customer.

In recent years, this type of business has generated nearly 700 jobs, positively impacting the Mexican economy, according to the Mexican Franchise Association (AMF). In spite of what many people believe, franchises are usually economic investments in many cases, and they are an excellent option for entrepreneurs who want to succeed and prosper.

Since each franchise offers standard products under the same regulations, innovation rests with the franchisor, not with the entrepreneur. New investments will be successful if they target the right audience, are based in the right location, are competitive, and follow market trends.

Success will also be largely dependent on how the franchisee performs, how the resources are managed, and how marketing strategies are employed.

The following article will help you understand much more about the latter, so that the products and services you offer will be widely recognized, and obtaining a good market position will be possible: Marketing techniques.

Investing In A Franchise In Mexico: The Cheapest Option

Chem Dry

Chem-Dry is a renowned American carpet and upholstery cleaning franchise located in Mexico, with over 30 years of experience in the field. There are over 4000 points of sale worldwide, including Japan, Thailand, Kuwait, and India, and it is available for approximately 296.000 Mexican pesos, which is an economic investment.

Franchisees receive a starter kit that contains all the equipment and elements needed to start an operation when they acquire the franchise. The physical store and home delivery service act as a single entity.

Automotive & Home Care Dr

This franchise specializes in remodeling and repair of houses, including plumbing. Since the name does not imply what it does, you should know what it does. In addition to air conditioning and electrical installation, the company offers automotive, industrial and commercial services.

5 Tips for starting business in Mexico - WMP Mexico Advisors

Franchises can be started remotely, by attending a training session for 3 days with the same company and if preferred, continue to be managed from home. With the 150.000 peso investment, the uniforms will be provided for the staff. After 12 months, the investment will be recouped.

Technologies Coatings

Nanotechnology is used by Techno Coating to offer protection to surfaces in a wide range of industries including real estate, industrial, automotive, and commercial.

Entrepreneurs who are interested in acquiring this franchise must invest 225.000 pesos, which will cover the costs of training, uniforms, and inventory. For the reservation of products, the company does not require any other requirement from the franchisee than to have a computer and a warehouse of at least six square meters.

Water Of Impeccable Quality

The franchise is responsible for the commercialization of water purification plants in Mexico, having been a market leader for some years. Investors are able to acquire Agua Inmaculada’s franchise at a modest price due to its ease of purchase.

A full acquisition of the business, the plants, and the license would cost approximately 80.000 pesos and would require an initial investment of 65.000 pesos. In addition to its excellent service quality, Harvard University and Forbes magazine have recognized the company, which has led it to expand into countries like Brazil, Colombia, Panama, and Peru.